Launch of my Festivals Newsletter
On the 30th of June 2016 I finally released the first of many forthcoming newsletters. Sorry for the delay but I had issues in creating a software version that wouldn't be delivered straight into peoples junk folder. Make sure you save my address into you contact list,
I was flooded with phone calls & thank you email notes, updated email contacts and comments from previous staff. Many staff were upset that Sammy Murdocca had recently passed wished they would of known to see him off or send flowers. Many thanked me for sharing the page on him. Don't forget to read the kind words from William Bowden on his dealings with Sammy after Festival. Make sure you join the members only area to share your ideas or future reunions and social gatherings. Keep your ideas coming. I'm currently working on in the LOBBY Studio the many buttons and badges, plus transfering some televsion commercials I made sound beds for in the 90's. In the mail to me are many images of Bill Hoey at a fundraising dinner. Looking forward to sharing more with you soon. Cheers Glenn Aird / DJ MAGOO® P:0417 488 657.